To set up Pyspark 2.3.1 on ubuntu , you need to have java, 1.8+,scala,python 3.5.x and py4j package need to be installed.And as an IDE , we will be using jupyter-notebook here. Setting up pyspark in ubuntu is very simple if you follow the below steps in order Open your Terminal on ubuntu OS ubuntu 18.04 will have python 3.5.x by default or else you need install it as per the instructions in the below link(its a very good discussion forum for installation): To keep the latest updates in sync with your os, run the below command: sudo apt-get update once update is done, install java 1.8 using below command: sudo apt install openjdk-8-jre-headless Once java is installed validate it by using java --version: it should display jdk version as 1.8.x once validated, install scala as below: sudo apt-get install scala once installation is done,validate it using scala --version: it should display the late...