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Pyspark : Maintaining a history data set in SCD2 (Slowly Changing Dimension 2) model

Maintaining a history table is always a common scenario with respect to any data engineering or data warehousing project. There are numerous ways of modelling a history data set. Below is an SCD2 model implementation of history data set in pyspark. There will be a source , say  SRC , data set with daily delta records (daily changes). And history , say  HIST  , with active and expired records history In HIST:  Any record will have  START_DT,END_DT  (ACIVE_FLAG if need , but I usually ignore it since END_DT is sufficient from my persepective)   END_DT='9999-12-31'  (or null or any higher default date value) represents active records and END_DT=<past_date value> represents expired records START_DT  gives the starting date of that record HIST  dataset is  partitioned on END_DT  (since every day , we are interested only in END_DT='9999-12-31' records. So other partitions will not...
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Getting the Metadata Statistics of a HDFS file

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Different ways of Transposing a Dataframe in Pyspark

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Understanding spark architecture in Deep with YARN

OVERVIEW Apache spark is a Distributed Computing framework. By distributed it doesn’t imply that it can run only on a cluster. Spark can be configured on our local system also. But Since spark works great in clusters and in real time , it is being implemented in multi node clusters like Hadoop, we will consider a Hadoop cluster for explaining spark here. We can Execute spark on a spark cluster in following ways Interactive clients(scala shell,pyspark etc): Usually used for exploration while coding like python shell Submit a job (using spark submit utility):Always used for submitting a production application Basic Architecture Spark follows a Master/Slave Architecture. That is For every submitted application, it creates a Master Process and multiple slave processes. Master is the Driver and Slaves are the executors. Say If from a client machine, we have submitted a spark job to a cluster. Spark will create a driver process and multiple executors. Similraly...